This is one question that is always asked about Facebook business pages. I find a lot of times that clients say they have a business page but it turns out to be just a personal profile.
For me it’s quite simple, create a Facebook business page. Don’t use your personal profile, Facebook will find out at some point so just set it up properly from the start.
So where to start? First of all go to the following link:
Choose from one of the categories:
Local Business or place
Company, organization or institution
Brand or product
Artist, band or public figure
Cause or community
You can change the category and name later if needed so don’t worry too much.
1 – Fill out your basic business info
The basic business info covers simple business info so it won’t take long to do.
2 – Create a cover image and profile image
Your cover page needs to be 851 x 315 pixels. You have the option of editing and moving the image around to fit the cover page. When you click “Save Changes” it will be live.
Cover pictures are added to your timeline. You can add description, tags, location and date to photos. In addition to that you can utilise the profile image of 170 x 170.
Ideally cover and profile images will match your branding and business. You don’t want to put poor quality images here as it will devalue your business brand.
3 – Fill out your profile completely
Complete all of the details on your business profile. The “Settings” includes lots of business data that can be completed about your business.
4 – Grant access to others to share marketing duties
You can allocate different options for other Facebook users to access your business page. This way they can amend the page accordingly if needed. You can also set different roles like:
5 – Publish posts
When you are ready you can publish posts. This will then be seen by anyone who visits your page and be displayed on your Followers timelines.
I’ll go into more detail about Facebook business promotion in a separate post.
In the meantime if you need any help I can run bespoke training sessions for you so contact us.
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